
Sabtu, 28 Januari 2023


Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Aloo epribadii !!!

Sebelumnya, kalian pernah bingung gak sih? Apa aja yang perlu dibawa buat melamar pekerjaan? Terus apa aja sih isi berkas berkas tadi ? Nih aku kasih tau

Jadi, salah satu dokumen yang penting untuk melamar pekerjaan adalah Curriculum Vitae (CV). CV ini bisa dibilang riwayat hidup gitu. Ini penjelasan lebih lanjut tenang Curriculum Vitae, simak baik baik yaa

A.    Definition

1)   Document used to apply for a job and contains personal data information such as expertise, educational history, to what are your experiences.

2)   The benefits of the curriculum vitae itself include getting a job, demonstrating expertise, and demonstrating dedication.

3)   Curriculum vitae contains personal data, work experience, educational history, organizational experience, training experience, and references


B.     Structure

1)   Contact Information

e.g :

Cantika Putri

Jl. Anggrek Putih,Banten



2)   Personal Information

e.g :

Place/Date of Birth: Banten, May 9th 1993
Citizenship: Indonesian

Sex: Female

Marital status: Single

Religion: Islam

3)   Work Experince

e.g :

2017 - 2018 — Staf Keuangan, PT Sukamaju Sejahtera

Responsible for the day-to-day tasks in a financial department

Entry data into the system

Preparing a balance sheet and updating financial records


2018 - 2019 — Junior Data Analyst, PT Sentosa Jayaprima

Analyzing data using statistical techniques and providing reports.

Developing and implementing databases and data collection systems.

Acquiring data from primary and secondary sources and maintain data systems.


2019 - Now — Data Analyst, PT Makmur Abadi

Analyzing data using statistical techniques and providing reports.


4)   Education

e.g :

2012-2017 — Bachelor in Economics, Faculty of Economics and Business, Gadjah Mada University

2009-2012 — SMA Negeri 3 Yogyakarta

2006-2009 — SMP Negeri 4 Tangerang

2000-2006 — SD Negeri 1 Tangerang

5)   Training and Courses

e.g :

2021 — Data Science for Business Course, Harvard Business School

2020 — Google Data Analytics Certificate

2018 — Intro to Data Analysis,  Udacity

6)   Profrssional Qualifications

e.g :

Program: Tableau, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power BI

Skills: Mathematics, analytics, methodical and logical approach, data interpretation. Language: Bahasa Indonesia, English


7)   Awards


2018 — 1st Winner in National Economy Writing Contest

8)   Publications

e.g :

Bachelor Thesis

2017 — “Pengaruh Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Terhadap Harga Saham”

9)   Professional Membership


The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)

The Chartered Institute for IT


10)    Interests

e.g :

Reading, economy, data science, investment, business, writing, watching movies


C.     Sentences/Clauses/Expression

1)        Highly experienced

e.g :

He is a member of the Law Society and a highly experienced lawyer


2)        Proven managerial skills

e.g :

An ability to work under pressure and proven managerial skills are required


3)        Motivated

e.g :

In secondary school, I was motived to work on various class project and assignments.


4)        Innovative

e.g :

Last week I suggested an innovative idea to my supervisor.


5)        A good communicator

e.g :

Customer service representatives require excellent communication skills.


6)        Professional

e.g :

She’s always been professional in her dealings with both customers and co-workers.


7)        To use a creative approach

e.g :

They used a creative approach to make their idea into a successful business.


8)        Good organizational skills

e.g :

In this position, good organizational skills are required to be able to manage a heavy workload,


9)        Have strong attention to detail

e.g :

Every member of our finance team must have strong attention to detail to keep accurate financial records and minimize mistake.


10)    Self- starer

e.g :

We’re looking for a highly motivated self-starter with excellent communication skills, both written and oral.


D.    Sample

Gimana menurut kalian? gampang kan? Kaliini aku udah coba bikin Curriculum Vitae diriku sendiri. Semoga bermanfaat yaa

E.     Writing


Terima kasih udah baca sampai akhir. Semoga blogku bermanfaat buat kalian. Sehat selalu ya gaiss, See u 💕👋

Senin, 23 Januari 2023

Job Interview

A.    Definition

a)    Job interview is a meeting between the company and prospective employee candidates.

b)   The purpose of the job interview is to find out wheater the prospective employee candidate is worthy of being their employee or not.

c)    Technically later the company will ask a number of things, starting from ehat your reasons are, what your goals are, to what talents you are interested in.

B.     Expressions/sentences

a)    Introduce yourself.

e.g : Good morning/afternoon. My name is ___ I’m glad you called me because I think I have the profile you’re looking for.

b)   Asking someone to repeat a question.

e.g : Excuse me, I’m sorry, would you please repeat the question?

c)    Emphasizing your strengths

e.g : I’m very good at___,___,___ and that’s why I think I’ll be able to handle this position.

d)   Thanking the interviewer at the end of the interview in English

e.g : It was a pleasure meeting you and then again I want to thank yo for having me here!

e)    Some other sentences

e.g : I’m glad I saw this job post because I’m very excited about the idea of working for this company.

C.     Ettiquette

a)    Don’t be late, and don’t be too early.

Candidates must be able to manage preparation time, departure to arrival at the company. This is very necessary because it can be a plus for discipline.

b)   Dress neatly and politely

Do not overdo it in beautifying yourself. Wear neat and polite clothes in order to win their hearts.

c)    Know the interviewer's name

Prior to the interview, you must receive a confirmation along with the full name of the interviewer. Try not to forget your interviewer's name.

d)   Firm handshake

Do not be nervous, and weak. Smile, be firm and don't hold on too long. Practice your handshake technique.

e)    Drink sparingly

Drink a glass of water to relieve nervous dry mouth.

f)    Turn off the phone

Don't underestimate this. In reality, the sound of a cell phone ringing can indicate a lack of respect for the company. Apologize sincerely and shut it down immediately.

g)   Take care of body language

One of the unpleasant mistakes is bad body language. Take good care of your authority. Here are the tips:

- Sit up straight and look genuinely interested.

- make good eye contact.

- Don't slouch.

- Do not lean forward.

- don't point.

-Don't cross your arms.

- Don't stare too long.

- Don't get nervous.

Don't keep looking around the room.

h)   Always ready

Prepare everything in detail before the interview. Answering questions deftly can show that you care enough to go the extra mile, are committed to the job role and that you are not wasting the interviewer's time.

i)     Don't overshare

Be open, friendly and relevant to them.

j)     Show gratitude

Be sure to thank the interviewer for their time.

D.    Sample of interview

E.     Video

Let’s see my video!!


Senin, 16 Januari 2023


Jurusan Desain Pemodelan dan Informasi Bangunan Prakerin di Kemenkumham? Kok bisa?

Hi everyone!! Zakia in here!! Kali ini aku bakal sharing pengalaman aku yang out of the box bangett. Kok bisa sih? Bisa dongg.

Sebelumnya, kalian tau gak sih apa itu Prakerin? Pasti siswa SMK gak asing lagi sama istilah ini. Yaps bener banget!! Prakerin itu singkatan dari Praktik Kerja Industri. Prakerin ini dilaksanakan oleh pihak sekolah dan bekerja sama dengan industri yang dituju. Prakerin juga sebagai program sekolah dari pemerintah guna menciptakan Sumber Daya Manusia yang produktif dan efisien.

Oke langsung aja ke pengalamanku setahun yang lalu saat melaksanakan Prakerin. Aku adalah seorang siswi SMK dengan jurusan Desain Pemodelan dan Informasi Bangunan (DPIB). Dari Namanya saja sudah ketebak nih jurusan aku ngapain aja?. Orang sering berasumsi kalo jurusan ini akan menjadi seorang arsitek. And yeahh I want it!! AAMIIN…

Tepat pada bulan Januari – Juni 2022, sekolahku melaksanakan program Prakerin ini. Awalnya berjalan sesuai dengan apa yang aku dan temanku bayangkan. Kita membuat desain bangunan di leptop, revisi, menghitung RAB, dan revisi lagi. Siklus tugasku selama Prakerin sangat menyiksaku tapi sungguh candu. Hingga suatu hari kita berdua diajak ke Balai Diklat KEMENKUMHAM. HA?? Mau ngapain di sana? Ikut diklat mas mas abdi negara kalik ya?

Ternyata, selama ini ada sebuah proyek disana. And yeahh aku diajak untuk belajar dan mengamati aktivitas proyek secara langsung. Sungguh beruntung bukan??? Alhamdulillah. Orang-orang yang aku temui sungguh menyenangkan, sering menjawab pertanyaanku yang penting maupun tidak. Di sana aku belajar banyak hal, mulai dari membuat umpak, membuat pondasi, cara membangun tangga, hingga cara menyesuaikan ukuran. Tak hanya itu, aku juga belajar menjadi orang yang aktif, belajar bekerja sama, dan belajar memecahkan masalah yang ada. Pasalnya, belajar langsung terjun ke lapangan sungguh menyenangkan dibanding belajar teori.

Banyak kesan dan pesan untuk 6 bulan selama Prakerin. Kesan dari aku sendiri, aku merasa beruntung karena dapat melaksanakan Prakerin dengan lancar, dan menyenangkan. Ditambah aku bertemu dengan orang-orang yang baik. Dan juga belajar banyak hal, mulai dari konstruksi bangunan, hingga kehidupan setelah sekolah nantinya. Cepat atau lambat semoga ilmu yang aku dapat bermanfaat. AAMIIN…

Pesan dari aku, terima kasih untuk seluruh pihak yang bersangkutan dalam Prakerinku. Terima kasih untuk semua motivasi, ilmu, dan juga lelucon yang menghibur. Harapannya, seluruh siswa yang melaksanakan Prakerin dapat memanfaatkan program ini  dengan sungguh-sungguh untuk mencari ilmu sebanyak mungkin. Dan aku harap, program ini bisa terus berjalan sesuai arahan supaya apa yang menjadi visi pemerintah tercapai.

 GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!! terima kasih💗🙌

Sabtu, 14 Januari 2023




Sebelumnya, perkenalkan nama saya Zakia Auliya. Saya adalah salah satu siswi SMK N 4 Semarang dengan jurusan Desain Pemodelan dan Informasi Bangunan. Kesemapatn kali ini saya akan menjelaskan tentang Application Letter. Let’s start it !!

A.    What is the application letter?

a)    An application letter is a document sent to company leaders or recruiters to apply for a job.

b)   This letter contains specific interests, qualifications and experiences that are considered relevant to fill the available job vacancies.

c)    The purpose of this letter is to explain your interest and also convince HRD that you are sultable to fill the position in the company.


Nah setelah mengetahui definisi dari application letter, selanjutnya ayoo kita pahami struktur dari application letter.

B.     Text structure

a)    Heading

b)   Salutation

c)    Opening Paragraph

d)   Content / Body

e)    Closing Paragraph

f)    Enclosure

Kalian kepo gak sih isi dari macam macam struktur teks diatas apa aja? Nih aku kasih tau lebih lanjut

C.     Fixed expressions/ sentences

a)    Heading                :

(Your Name)

(Your Address)

(City, Postal Code)


(Date Written)


(Leader Name)

(Position In The Company)

(Company Name)

(Company Address)

(City, Postal Code)


b)   Salutation                  :

Dear (Leader Name) ,


c)    Opening                    :

     (Write where you got the job advertisement poster from, plus the date, and show that you match what is required in the job advertisement)


d)   Content Body            :

     (Write down all your positive experiences in detail, and point out your strengths accordingly)


e)    Closing Paragraph    :

     (Close with your wishes and say thank you)


f)    Enclosure    :




(Your name)


Masih bingung ya? Ini aku ada salah satu sample buat dipahami lebih detail.

D.    Sample



Btw, ada ingpo loker nich!! Kalian mau nyoba nyusun Application Letter bareng aku gak?

E.     Job Advertisement

VOILAA!! Ini Application Letterku udah jadi. Gimana dengan Application Lettermu?

F.      Writing Job Application

Zakia Auliya

Pancakarya Street

Semarang, 21244



January 10, 2023


HRD Manager

Architects Cube

Islamabad, Pakistan 44000


Dear The HRD Manager Architects Cube,


I would like to apply for the JUNIOR ARCHITECT position advertised in FACEBOOK on Thursday, January 10, 2023. My relevant experienced in a similar position really matches with the qualifications you need.


The opportunities presented in the list are very attractive. I believe my experience as a Modeling and Building Information Design student for three years is very relevant and can be applied in your company.


I also have an internship experience with a building consultant for six months. I have the ability to draw using ACAD and Sketchup software, and can calculate RAB accurately.


In addition, I can work under pressure and have high motivation in completing all my work both individually and in a work team.


Plus I got satisfactory grades in some of the previous fields for all my hard work.


Please give my application a strong consideration. I hope to hear good news from you. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Your sincerely,



Zakia Auliya

G.    Reference


Thank you so much all!! I hope u enjoy it.. See u later…

  Curriculum Vitae (CV) Aloo epribadii !!! Sebelumnya, kalian pernah bingung gak sih? Apa aja yang perlu dibawa buat melamar pekerjaan...